Wage Word Problems 8 Worksheets
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Wage Word Problems 8

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Wage Word Problems 8

How will I know what my paycheck will be? Learn how to figure out wage word problems and do some problem solving.

How much will Brock earn if he earns $9.60 per hour and works 36 hours?

How much will Van earn if he earns $9.85 per hour and works 26 hours?

How much will David earn if he earns $15.85 per hour and works 26 hours?

How much will Paul earn if he earns $15.75 per hour and works 43 hours?

How much will Allan earn if he earns $15.05 per hour and works 37 hours?

How much will Adam earn if he earns $14.40 per hour and works 18 hours?

How much will Donald earn if he earns $15.30 per hour and works 27 hours?

How much will Jake earn if he earns $15.55 per hour and works 35 hours?

How much will Steven earn if he earns $15.50 per hour and works 29 hours?

How much will Jensen earn if he earns $7.60 per hour and works 19 hours?

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