Wage Word Problems 5 Worksheets
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Wage Word Problems 5

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Wage Word Problems 5

Once we start working it is important that we are able to calculate what our paycheck should be. Have your 6th graders solve these problems on hourly wages.
How much will Jensen earn if he earns $6.25 per hour and works 18 hours?

How much will Steven earn if he earns $8.80 per hour and works 35 hours?

How much will Van earn if he earns $10.80 per hour and works 48 hours?

How much will Brian earn if he earns $9.30 per hour and works 35 hours?

How much will Jake earn if he earns $8.20 per hour and works 25 hours?

How much will David earn if he earns $5.00 per hour and works 50 hours?

How much will Billy earn if he earns $6.35 per hour and works 39 hours?

How much will Donald earn if he earns $12.20 per hour and works 26 hours?

How much will Adam earn if he earns $10.55 per hour and works 14 hours?

How much will Paul earn if he earns $15.00 per hour and works 22 hours?

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