Reading Comprehension About The Invisible Cryptids Worksheets
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Reading Comprehension About The Invisible Cryptids

Reading Comprehension About The Invisible Cryptids For Google Apps

Reading Comprehension About The Invisible Cryptids

Your 5th grade students will want to read this passage to end. It is intriguing! The story is about Cryptids. Are they legends or do they really exist? Bid Foot is a cryptid and people say they have seen his footprints or even spotted this tall, hairy monster in the forest. Another one is the Loch Ness Monster who supposedly lurks in the murky waters in Scotland. Cryptids catch our imagination because they challenge what we know about the natural world. They inspire us to explore and discover new things. Cryptids might just be myths or folklore. They might also be a new species waiting to be discovered. The world is full of wonders and there are still mysteries waiting to be unraveled.
How well did your grade 5 students understand the text they read. Have them answer the questions and improve their critical think skills.

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