Reading Comprehension About A Cat and a Bat Worksheets
Reading Comprehension About A Cat and a Bat()

Reading Comprehension About A Cat and a Bat

Reading Comprehension About A Cat and a Bat For Google Apps

Reading Comprehension About A Cat and a Bat

The Cat and a Bat is a reading comprehension for K-1 that includes rhyming words. Students will read words that have the short vowel a as they discover the adventure of the cat and the bat.
The cat is fat.
The cat has a hat.
The cat sat on a mat.
The cat has a bat.
He wants a rat.
The bat is sad and mad.
The bat lost his dad.
The cat and the bat play.
Then the cat and the bat nap.
Cat and bat are pals.
The bat is not mad or sad.
He loves his pal the cat.

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