Rainforest Summative Learning Activity Worksheets
Rainforest Summative Learning Activity()

Rainforest Summative Learning Activity

Rainforest Summative Learning Activity For Google Apps

Rainforest Summative Learning Activity

A 3rd grade habitat for the rainforest summative activity to assess students to see what they know about the rainforest and the plant and animal adaptations in the rainforest. This rainforest habitat activity is in google apps and in printable format. Free teaching unit for habitat and adaptations for the 3rd grade. After the students have learned about the rainforest habitat, they should be able to list at least 7 -10 facts about the rainforest without looking up the information. Students should convey information about plant and animal adaptations as well as the locations of 1 or 2 rainforests and what the climate is like. These activities are in google apps and in a printable format. Great for 3rd grade science at home or in the classroom.

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