Opinion Letter Prompts Worksheets
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Opinion Letter Prompts

Opinion Letter Prompts For Google Apps

Opinion Letter Prompts

A list of writing prompts to help students develop their skills on opinion writing for google apps or as a printable.

Write a letter to your teacher about which guest author should come to speak to the class.
Write a letter to the principal giving your opinion about special day that should happen. (Play day, movie day, outdoor day…)
Write a letter to a friend to convince them to go on a holiday with you.
Write a letter to an author of a book you read giving them your opinion on the book.
Write a letter to the principal to give your opinion about what playground equipment is needed.
Write a letter to your teacher to give them your opinion as to why you should get the lead role in a play.
Write a letter to your coach with your opinion about who should be the captain of the team.
Write a letter to your teacher with your opinion about who should win the kindness award.
Write a letter to your teacher with your opinion about who should win the good character award.
Write a letter to your teacher with your opinion about why ____________________ is your favorite subject.
Write a letter to the editor of the paper on something you disagree with.
Write a letter to your teacher with your opinion about homework. (Too much, not enough)
Write a letter to your friend to let them know your opinion about what makes the best pet.
Write a letter to your parents about your opinion on your bedtime.
Write a letter to your teacher about what you think needs to change.
Write a letter to your friend about your opinion about what season is the best.
Write a letter to your principal about your opinion on one of the school rules.
Write a letter to your parents about your opinion on having a TV in your bedroom.
Write a letter to the editor about your opinion about the high salaries athletes make.
Write a letter to the circus manager about your opinion on having wild animals in a circus.
Write a letter to your principal about your opinion on learning a different language.
Write a letter to your parents about your opinion on whether you should be allowed to climb trees or not.
Write a letter providing your opinion on whether school should be 4 days a week instead of five.
Write a letter to your teacher with your opinion on whether colleges/universities should be free or not.
Write a letter to your principal about your opinion on more or less discipline in schools.
Write a letter to your parents about your opinion on whether city life or country live is better.
Write a letter to the cosmetic industry with your opinion on animal testing.
Write a letter to your teacher with your opinion on whether classrooms should be mixed or all girls and boys classes.
Write a letter with your opinion about tattoos.
Write a letter to your teacher about your opinion on whether students should read daily for 30 minutes or not.

All worksheets are created by experienced and qualified teachers. Send your suggestions or comments.