Make A Law Class Activity Worksheets
Make A Law Class Activity()

Make A Law Class Activity

Make A Law Class Activity For Google Apps

Make A Law Class Activity

The objective of this exercise is to help students understand the basic concept of how rules are made and to think about the reasons behind the rules. Start by discussing the concepts of rules and give them examples. Brainstorm ideas for a new classroom rule to make the classroom a better place. Discuss each idea. Have the students vote and then count the votes. Write the chosen rule on chart paper. Explain that like in the government there needs to be a special ceremony to pass the rule. Hold a law making ceremony in your classroom. Explain that now it is passed everyone needs to follow it. Ask the students to reflect on the new rule and how they feel about it. Ask them why it is important to have rules.
This activity teaches students about laws and the process in making them. It also causes them to think critically about rules and how they impact their life.

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