Reading Passage for Hydrosphere Worksheets
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Reading Passage for Hydrosphere

Reading Passage for Hydrosphere For Google Apps

Reading Passage for Hydrosphere

This is a useful resource for your unit on Earth's spheres because it condenses facts about the hydrosphere. When you have read it together as a class or students have read it independently they will then move on to complete the questions.
The Earth's hydrosphere is the water that covers the surface of the planet. It includes all of the ocean, lakes, rivers, streams, and underground water sources. The hydrosphere is an important part of the Earth's environment. It is home to many different kinds of animals and plants, and it is vital to our survival. Water is essential for life, and without it, life would not exist. The hydrosphere also helps to regulate the climate of the Earth. The ocean makes up the largest part of the hydrosphere, covering about 71% of the Earth's surface. The second largest part of the hydrosphere is freshwater. Freshwater sources include lakes, rivers, streams, and underground sources. The last component of the hydrosphere is the atmosphere. The atmosphere contains a lot of moisture, and this moisture helps to create clouds and fog. The hydrosphere is an important part of the Earth's environment. It helps to regulate the climate of the Earth and provides essential resources for life. Without the hydrosphere, life on Earth would not be possible.

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