Hourly Rate and Wage Problems Worksheets
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Hourly Rate and Wage Problems

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Hourly Rate and Wage Problems

Look no further for free worksheets on hourly rate and wage problems. Suitable for students in 6th grade to 10th grade learning about financial literacy.
If Ellen earns $98.40 after working eight hours what is the hourly rate? $12.30

Jackie baby-sat for 15 hours over two weeks. She earned $12.90 an hour. What was her gross pay? $193.50

Marin baby-sat for 40 hours over two weeks. She earned $11.50 an hour. What was her gross pay? $460.00

If Daisy earns $31.40 after working four hours what is the hourly rate? $7.85

Jennifer baby-sat for 10 hours over two weeks. She earned $8.35 an hour. What was her gross pay? $83.50

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