Hourly Rate and Wage Problems Worksheets
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Hourly Rate and Wage Problems

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Hourly Rate and Wage Problems

Do your students know how to figure out hourly rate and wage problems? Are you looking for a free math resource. Here are some examples of questions on this worksheet.
Daisy baby-sat for 10 hours over two weeks. She earned $6.70 an hour. What was her gross pay? $67.00

If Sandra earns $90.75 after working 15 hours what is the hourly rate? $6.05

If Sharon earns $443.85 after working 33 hours what is the hourly rate? $13.45

Michele baby-sat for 32 hours over two weeks. She earned $7.15 an hour. What was her gross pay? $228.80

Mila baby-sat for 15 hours over two weeks. She earned $13.15 an hour. What was her gross pay?$197.25

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