Growth Mindset Plan Ahead Worksheets
Growth Mindset Plan Ahead()

Growth Mindset Plan Ahead

Growth Mindset Plan Ahead For Google Apps

Growth Mindset Plan Ahead

Thinking ahead. On a scale from 1-4 Underline where you are now and circle where you would like to be.
I persist despite obstacles.
I select challenges to feed my brain.
When Plan A fails, I move to Plan B.
I learn and reflect on mistakes.
I tell myself I don't know it yet but I am learning.
When something is not working I will try another way.
It's ok to make mistakes.
It takes time to learn.
I own my attitude and I am in charge.
I feel that everyday is an opportunity to learn.
I take chances because I learn from them.
I am resilient and can bounce back from setbacks.
What are your priorities for change?

All worksheets are created by experienced and qualified teachers. Send your suggestions or comments.