Geosphere Interactions Worksheets
Geosphere Interactions()

Geosphere Interactions

Geosphere Interactions For Google Apps

Geosphere Interactions

This is an information sheet on geosphere interactions. Interactions in the geosphere occur when different parts of the Earth interact with each other. This can be seen in the movement of the plates in plate tectonics, the formation of mountains, and the weathering of rocks. The formation of mountains and volcanoes is caused by the plates crashing into
each other. Glaciers are large masses of ice that form in areas with cold temperatures. Glaciers move slowly and can transport sediment, rocks, and soil from one place to another. Human activities such as mining, quarrying, and soil disturbance can also have an impact on the geosphere. Weathering is the process by which rocks are broken down by water, wind, and other agents. Weathering can occur when rocks are exposed to water and chemicals, or when the temperature changes drastically. All of these interactions in the geosphere help to create the unique environment we live in. They also help to shape the landscape of the Earth, and provide the resources we need to survive. The geosphere is constantly in motion, interacting with the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere to create the planet we call

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