Rubric for Earth Systems Worksheets
Rubric for Earth Systems()

Rubric for Earth Systems

Rubric for Earth Systems For Google Apps

Rubric for Earth Systems

Using rubrics provide the student with feedback on their work. It gives students indicators for success. 6th grade students can use this feedback to develop their abilities to complete assignments. This rubric will give the teacher an easy way to assess their students on Earth Systems.

Knowledge of Earth's Spheres (0-3 points):
0 points: is unable to name or explain any of Earth's spheres.
1 point: is able to name the four Earth's spheres, but is unable to explain
their interactions.
2 points: is able to explain the interactions between two of the Earth’s
3 points: is able to explain the interactions between all four of Earth’s

2. Understanding of Earth's Spheres (0-3 points):
0 points: is unable to demonstrate any understanding of how Earth’s
spheres interact with each other.
1 point: is able to give basic facts about the Earth's spheres, but is unable
to explain how they interact with each other.
2 points: is able to explain the basic roles each sphere plays in the Earth’s
3 points: is able to explain in detail how the Earth's spheres interact with
each other and how they are a part of a larger system.

3. Application of Earth's Spheres (0-2 points):
0 points: is unable to apply any understanding of Earth's spheres to any
real-world situations.
1 point: is able to make basic connections between Earth's spheres and
real-world situations.
2 points: is able to apply understanding of Earth's spheres to real-world
situations in a meaningful way.
3 points: is able to apply and elaborate with detail an understanding of
Earth’s spheres to real-world situations in a meaningful way

4. Synthesis of Earth's Spheres (0-2 points):
0 points: is unable to use knowledge of Earth's spheres to make higher
-level connections or draw conclusions.
1 point: is able to draw basic conclusions and make connections between
Earth's spheres and other topics.
2 points: is able to make complex connections between Earth's spheres
and other topics and draw conclusions.
3 points: is able to make complex connections between Earth's spheres

All worksheets are created by experienced and qualified teachers. Send your suggestions or comments.