Decodable Passage for Blends sw Worksheets
Decodable Passage for Blends sw()

Decodable Passage for Blends sw

Decodable Passage for Blends sw For Google Apps

Decodable Passage for Blends sw

This teachable can be used as a practice for students or as an evaluation tool for teachers. It contains a reading passage on the blend sw.

Swans live in wetlands like swamps.
Swans swim easily in the water.
It looks almost like they sweep the surface.
Their webbed feet swipe below the water.
Which also helps them move swiftly.
The long neck stretches to reach food, leaves and stems.


How many words begin with sw? ____________
Where do the swans live?
What kind of feet does a swan have?
What do they eat?
Print 3 words that begin on sw:

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