Decodable Passage for Blends st Worksheets
Decodable Passage for Blends st()

Decodable Passage for Blends st

Decodable Passage for Blends st For Google Apps

Decodable Passage for Blends st

If you are looking for a free resource on decodable passages look no further. This is a great passage for first graders on the blend st.

I just saw a starfish!
As I strolled across the shoreline,
I stopped and there it was, a starfish on the sand.
I just stood there looking at it.
I wasn’t stalking it, I just wanted to stay and look at it.
But I had to leave as a storm was starting.


How many words begin with st? ____________
Where was the starfish?
What did he stroll across?
Why did he leave?
Print 3 words that begin with st:

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