Decodable Passage for Blends sk Worksheets
Decodable Passage for Blends sk()

Decodable Passage for Blends sk

Decodable Passage for Blends sk For Google Apps

Decodable Passage for Blends sk

Students will enjoy reading this passage about Skank the Skunk. They will use their decoding skills to figure out words they do not know.

Skank the skunk knows how to stink.
As I was skipping along,
Under the dark sky,
I had a sniff, and my nose has the skill,
Of smelling foul smells.
Indeed it was the stink of Skank the skunk.


How many words begin with sk? ____________
Who is Skank?
What skill does the author’s nose have?
Who stinks?
Print three words that begin with sk.

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