Decodable Passage for Blends gr Worksheets
Decodable Passage for Blends gr()

Decodable Passage for Blends gr

Decodable Passage for Blends gr For Google Apps

Decodable Passage for Blends gr

This exercise is a decodable reading passage for the digraph blend gr. Have students read this passage on Grandma and Grandpa and then answer the questions.
Grandma and grandpa are just the greatest.
They love the color green.
They love Greek food.
They also love grapes and grits.
They both have grey hair.
Seeing them always makes me grin!

How many words begin with gr? ____________
What color do they like?
What kind of food do they like?
What color is their hair?
Print 3 words that begin with gr”

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