Decodable Passage for Blends cr Worksheets
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Decodable Passage for Blends cr()

Decodable Passage for Blends cr

Decodable Passage for Blends cr For Google Apps

Decodable Passage for Blends cr

Decodables are an important part of literacy. The text is sequenced so students can decode words with letter-sound relationships they already know.
Clyde is a very, very clever clown.
When he claps, the clouds will clear!
When he closes doors, the clocks will ding.
When he cycles hands free to our class,
Everyone always claps!
We all want to be in Clyde’s clever club.

How many words begin with cl? ____________
Who is Clyde?
What happens when he claps?
How does he make a clock ding?
Print 3 words beginning with cl:

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