Quiz for Biosphere Worksheets
Quiz for Biosphere()

Quiz for Biosphere

Quiz for Biosphere For Google Apps

Quiz for Biosphere

Once you have taught your grade 6 class about the biosphere test their knowledge using the readymade quiz. There are 12 true or false questions to answer.
1. True or False: The biosphere is the part of the earth where living things exist.

2. True or False: The biosphere includes the atmosphere and the lithosphere.

3. True or False: The biosphere includes the hydrosphere.

4. True or False: Plants, animals, and humans are all part of the biosphere.

5. True or False: The biosphere is made up of different climate zones.

6. True or False: The biosphere is constantly changing due to natural processes.

7. True or False: The biosphere is made up of living organisms and their environment.

8. True or False: The biosphere includes all the living things on the Earth’s surface.

9. True or False: The biosphere includes the atmosphere and the hydrosphere.

10. True or False: The biosphere includes the poles and the equator.

11. True or False: The biosphere is the same in all parts of the world.

12. True or False: The biosphere is affected by human activities.

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