Checklist For Anger Worksheets
Checklist For Anger()

Checklist For Anger

Checklist For Anger For Google Apps

Checklist For Anger

Completing an anger checklist gives us some incite into how a person handles angry situations. Do they keep it inside to fester? Do they lash out physically? Verbally? Do they always react that way or rarely? Do they scream and shout or remain calm? Does it happen always, sometimes, rarely or never? Do they need some strategies to learn how to deal with anger issues? Use this checklist to give you that info.

Anger Management Checklist
1) Always 2) Sometimes 3) Rarely 4) Never

__________ I often feel angry.

__________ I kick or punch at things or people.

__________ I often feel like destroying things when I am angry.

__________ I say mean things when I am angry.

__________ I shout and scream when I’m angry.

__________ I have a bad temper.

__________ I keep everything in when I’m angry.

__________ I hurt myself when I’m angry.

__________ I remain calm when I am angry.

__________ I don’t lose control when I am angry.

__________ I have good self control when I am mad or angry, I let it go.

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