Overview of Community Unit Worksheets
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Overview of Community Unit

Overview of Community Unit For Google Apps

Overview of Community Unit

The purpose of this unit is for kindergarten students to develop a foundations understanding of their place within the community and the importance of being active and responsible members of society. Students will learn the definition of a community. They will learn about the three types of communities and activities that are suitable for young children. Students will learn and understand the roles of community members and about showing kindness and taking care of shared spaces. Kdg students will discover the many community helpers and will learn how they improve the well being of the community. Teach and discuss the purpose of places in the community and how they provide services. Highlight the importance of festivals and events and how it bring people together. Introduce the concept of diversity in the community and the many difference customs and languages of the people. This unit will teach basic safety rules to your class. Taking care of the environment needs to start at a young age so students will learn about recycling and caring for plants and animals within their community.

All worksheets are created by experienced and qualified teachers. Send your suggestions or comments.