Wise money habits are good way to handle money and make smart decisions how you save and spend money. Saving money is putting some away for future use. You can put in the bank or in your piggy bank. Budgeting means how you spent money. It is making a plan as to what you will do with your money. List things you want to buy and the cost. By budgeting you make sure you do not spend all your money at once and have some leftover for other things. It is important to make wise choices with your money. Do you really need it or is there something you want more? Learn the difference between wants and needs and focus on the needs first. When you shop compare prices. Sometimes you will find the item cheaper at another store. Sometimes it is best to wait when buying a large item. This way you will not impulse buy. Sharing and giving money is also important. It is good to donate and share and make a positive impact on the world. |
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